A little faith will brighten the day

“Show me thy way O Lord, teach me thy path.” Psalm 25-4

Tis good to know our heavenly Father is aware

Of all the events that pass our way,

Then why should we pile up vain regrets

Just a little faith will brighten the day.

Believe there’s a way in which the challenge

Can be met when left with the Lord,

Also the courage given when things disturb

Let’s look up and rely on His word.

Endeavour to maintain a spirit of harmony

Amid those thorns you will find a rose,

Yes, often the way appears to be clouded

But every twist and turn He knows.

This love is unchanged through the changing years

Always there to guide you, come what may;

Note the stars, how they shine in darkness

Followed by a brand new day.

-Doreen Craig