Find the glass slipper and you shall go to the panto

The Great Glass Slipper Hunt is under way. INLS 51-800CONThe Great Glass Slipper Hunt is under way. INLS 51-800CON
The Great Glass Slipper Hunt is under way. INLS 51-800CON
Fancy winning tickets to see the biggest show of the season? When you're out doing your Christmas shopping this weekend, keep an eye out for some shoes. . . Cinderella's shoes.

The Millennium Forum has secretly placed six small ‘glass slippers’ in various locations around the city. Each slipper found and returned to the Box Office will guarantee the finder a Family Pass (four seats) to see the pantomime, Cinderella at the 7pm performance on Wednesday, December 28.

The slippers will be hidden at random locations around the city and clues will be posted each day on the Forum’s Facebook/Twitter pages.

Well? What are you waiting for? Get looking before the clock strikes midnight!